Date Night Ideas to Activate your Relationship

Life can get away from us.  Before we know it, our kids are out of the house and the person we said “I do” to, has wrinkles on their face and their body composition is not what it used to be.  I think at different times in our lives, we tend to be more reflective. It appears to be one of those times for me. I turn 50 later this year and I refuse to adopt the mentality that I hear so many people say, “I am just getting old.”  In fact it’s the opposite for me. There are still adventures to take, dreams to realize and moments with loved ones to enjoy. If you’re in a similar place like me, one area I can help you is how you can take your relationship with your spouse (or someone close to you) to a whole new level.  

I have learned that being comfortable for too long is the enemy of progress.  So when it comes to spending time with someone close to you (e.g. your spouse), being intentional about how you spend your time can make a huge difference.  It’s hard to do but you should never just settle for the same old. If you normally find yourself sitting in front of the TV—try something that gets you on your feet. If you are the type of couple that always has your calendar full, make your date night a little more quiet and intimate.

There are many great ideas out there so no matter what you decide, the important part is that you are together experiencing something new, and having fun doing it.  So if you’ve found yourself in a dating lull lately, I hope these unique date night ideas can spark some fun into your relationship. I would guess you probably need it!

Get Outside and Get Active!

With warmer weather, we inevitably have more options—many more options to get outside. This Spring/Summer, try a date night that’s new to you, that gets you out, and gets you both active. Whether that means renting a kayak or canoe and exploring the river, finding a cavern to explore, hiking a challenging trail, or even working through a scavenger hunt, plan some time where the two of you can spend together without interruptions. Turn your phones off (or at least on mute) and enjoy a day or evening exploring something in a new way.

Go to a Concert!

Music can do a lot to liven the mood and spark your energy. Check out who is playing at an outdoor concert near you, or buy some tickets to a musician you’ll both love. Going to a concert and enjoying the evening together will get you out of the house and away from the rigmarole for an evening—but most importantly— help you create some memorable bonding moments with the one you love.

Plan a Surprise!

There is always something romantic about planning a surprise. Plan a date night that you know your partner will love, but shhh—keep an element of surprise! You can make it even more fun by letting them guess but not giving too much away. Remember to try and make it special, and always fun by planning a few novel activities that are either new, or perhaps a place that will take you back to when you both first dated.

What about you? Do you have any fun ideas that are perfect for this time of year? Let us know in the comments below—I’d love to hear from you. And if you haven’t already, encourage your friends and family to sign up to be included in our weekly newsletter so they can get the latest blogs sent right to their inbox! Be inspired and connect with others in our community through sharing this post—we love to hear from all of you.

Your Virtual Life Mentor,




  1. El says

    Thanks, Doug. Spouses can be each other’s best surprise. Thinking creatively with a happy heart and a smile and a touch are immeasurably important. Thanks for your encouragement, Brother. Keep charging.

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