Supporting Friends Through Tough Times

If you have been following my blog since the Spring, you may remember that I was having one very big life transition. Well, I am still somewhat in that transition, and to be honest, it’s not been easy. I lost my job of nearly seventeen years and at first, I really wasn’t sure what I would do next. I believe living through hard times ourselves makes us a better friend and person if we let it. I also believe that the things we learn as we go through tough times are often an opportunity given to us to help others going through similar life circumstances.

I can honestly say, if it wasn’t for the support of my friends, going through what we have for the past few months, would have been much tougher and almost unbearable.  Because of them, I was able to find new meaning and gain a fresh perspective, and ultimately, start the next phase of my life (and career move) with a positive outlook. Thank you, Friends!

Here are a few ways I would recommend that you consider when wanting to support a friend going through a tough time.  I’d love to hear your thoughts, too.

What else would you add? I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments. And if you enjoy reading our blog, the biggest thanks you can give is to share and spread the word with your friends and family. We love to see our community grow.

Up next week: We’ll talk about why surprises and fun experiences are so important in your marriage—and get tips on how to add more of them!

Your Virtual Life Mentor,




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