Staying Healthy as we Age

What is it about turning 50 that brings out all the old jokes? Who said 50 was old anyway? Given that I’m now officially the BIG 5-0, I sure received my share of “your turning old” comments. For example, “When you hit 50, you might want to think about buying an extended warranty for your body parts,” or “Hey old fart, when ya going to apply for AARP?” As I said last week, turning old is a matter of perspective, at least in your mind, and if you follow me on Facebook, you know that I am not slowing down anytime soon.

It’s hard to believe the month of October is coming to a close. Heck, Christmas is only 59 days away. If you’ve read my blogs this month, you know that I have explored various topics about becoming older. I sure hope they have encouraged you and challenged your thinking a little.

One final topic for this month, is the importance of staying healthy in our body and mind. There is no getting around the fact that our minds and bodies change as we get older. Getting older is a fact of life, but what is not a fact, is how we want to age. The tips below will help you consider a few ways to age well and get more out of life.

Keep learning new stuff. We really should always be learning new things. Keeps life much more interesting. We don’t have to succumb to boredom and keep doing what we’ve always done. Maybe once a year, try learning a new skill or activity. Trying something new will help keep your brain engaged and “firing on all cylinders.” What we don’t use, we slowly lose. A friend of mine in his mid 60’s recently took up ballroom dancing with his wife. He received a coupon to a local studio, so he and wife decided just to give it a try. They loved it so much they have regularly been going the past year. Hearing him talk about it, you would have thought he just won a 12 month trial of the “blue pill.”

Cut out some of the junk. I would have loved to be in your head when you read the word junk. No, I am not talking about stuff around your house or your spouse (just kidding), what I am referring to is the unhealthy fats from meat and processed sugars that can do a lot of damage in our bodies as we get older. As you eat better (e.g., adding more fresh fruits, vegetables and good sources of protein), the more you will begin to feel and look better. I try to live by this principle, “If you want to have less junk in your life, stop allowing so much of it to come into your front door.”

Got an empty (or emptier) nest? Maybe it’s time to adopt a Pet. At one point, we had three pets in our home along with four young kids. A lot was going on. I told my wife that when our pets die, I didn’t want anymore because it was just too much. For the next three years, we didn’t replace them. I would be lying if I didn’t say that it was nice not to have to worry about making arrangements for them when we would be out of town, cleaning out litter every day or taking our dog to go to the bathroom outside. But I will tell you that after I finally gave in and listened to the wisdom of my three young girls, and brought home a bichon poodle, our family has never been the same since. Grizzly has genuinely touched our house in a special way. Maybe it’s time for you to consider adopting a special little furry friend.

I hope these tips will bring you great joy as you begin to apply them. I would love to hear your thoughts about keeping your mind and body in the best shape possible. Remember, even though you are getting older, it is your mindset and your approach that will make all the difference as you age!

Please take a moment to share this blog with someone you care about. Seeing more people having the opportunity to be encouraged each week is why we are here.

Your Virtual Life Mentor,


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