Spring Cleaning, Ready, Set, Go…  

It’s spring, right?  Well I get a little confused when I see snow coming down and it’s the first week in April.  Depending on where you live, here in Indiana, we certainly have had a long winter with snow accumulation within the past week and a lot of storms and rain following it up within the past few days. Despite this, I am certain warmer spring temperatures are right around the corner.   

I don’t know about you, but this time of year, I can’t help but think about all that I want to do around the house.  I may be a little off, but I actually look forward to “spring cleaning.” I love it when things around the house look fresh, clean and organized. Because spring cleaning has such a love/hate relationship with so many people, I thought a few ideas on how you can make your spring cleaning a little more appealing this year would be a great place to start.     

Tip #1 Start with the goal in mind.

First, it’s good to imagine what a clean house will feel like once it’s done. Clutter can make us feel grumpy and our rooms feel crowded, but when we let go of things we aren’t using, we can enjoy a space that is inviting and even helps us relax (this is totally me). Have a lot of extra things around the house?  Maybe it’s time to fill up a donation bag and free up some space!

Tip #2 Start with one simple plan.

Sometimes we just don’t know where to begin. It is important to set realistic goals that make sense for not just you but your whole family.  This is where I struggle because I assume wrongly that we can get everything done in one weekend. If you are busy with spring sports and activities like us, you may find yourself more like a temporary taxi service for the season, which means you have less time to do other things. But don’t let this stop you. Maybe you don’t have time to spend all day doing your spring cleaning, so start with a manageable checklist for each room that you can tackle over the next couple weeks as a family—which brings me to my next point. . .

Tip #3 Assign age-appropriate tasks.

Spring cleaning goes a lot faster the more hands that are involved. While you may hear a few grumbles if you have kids and are getting them involved (maybe even from a few adults), learning to work together and get the job done teaches them many valuable concepts. If not for anything else, teaching your kids responsibility and having them take care of the home they live in, is a tremendous lesson they can take with them as an adult. Remember to give plenty of encouragement along the way.      

Tip #4 Make it fun.

Of all the tips, this may be the most important. Let’s face it, most people really don’t like spring cleaning, especially kids. You may never be able to convince them that what you are asking them to do will be tons of fun, but you should take it upon yourself to make it better. For example, music can make cleaning a lot more interesting, so how about picking a favorite album and make a playlist to keep everyone a little more motivated while cleaning. Larger families can turn it into a game and have each person choose a song or two anonymously and then have everyone guess who chose that song. You may find that by doing this, time goes a lot faster. If you come by our house while we are cleaning, you will probably see several of us dancing around the house as we listen to some of our favorite music. The kids are embarrassed, but that’s what makes life more fun.     

Do you have any tricks or tips for spring cleaning? I’d love to hear them, Tell me your ideas or thoughts on this blog in the comments below. If you enjoy these tips, please share this with your friends and family! I’d love to see our community grow this year and love to connect through our weekly blogs.

Happy spring cleaning!

Your Virtual Life Mentor,




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