New Year Resolutions Re-Imagined

Happy New Year!  I am so excited about starting a new year, I hope you are as well.  As we get started, it’s not surprising to hear all the noise about making sure to create your “resolutions.”  I am a big believer in knowing where you want to go, but when it comes to resolutions, I am going to approach the topic from a slightly different perspective, hope this helps.   

I’m sure you would agree that New Year’s resolutions for the most part, are very hard to keep the whole year. Statistics on the matter don’t lie.  Business Insider reports that 80% of all New Year resolutions fail by February. Ouch. Those aren’t good odds. Now that isn’t to say that no one should make New Year resolutions, but keep in mind that making the resolutions is one thing but understanding what it takes to get there — or even if you should get there — is another thing.

As far as creating new Fitness Goals, the same Business Insider article also noted that instead of counting calories and making arbitrary weight loss goals, why not work for something specific?  For instance, having a fitness goal of running a 5K may be a more motivating goal than keeping to a number on the scale.

There are plenty of fitness apps out there that can help you stay on track with daily exercises geared to your skill level, and even something like the Couch to 5K app that can help you live healthier without all the unrealistic expectations.

Some of our most popular posts here on Centurion’s Watch revolve around marriage and relationships.  No matter what stage you are in, learning how to connect and communicate with your partner in healthy ways is so important. Take a few minutes to think about your relationship, the challenges, and the victories you have had over the past year.

When creating your Couple Goals (which you should), consider what areas would you like to see improve in 2019?  Are there some habits you would want to change? (I am speaking of you not your spouse.) We could write a much longer post on just marriage alone, but let’s simply say that all change starts with an agreement between two people and a vision of something better in mind. The little things — and the big — that you both need to do or change each day will become evident after you define areas to improve and grow.

If you want to read more about affirming, growing, and engaging with your partner this next year check out last year’s new year post, Reinvigorate Your Marriage with 4 Fresh New Year Ideas for some actionable ideas you can start today.

Instead of Gearing Up, Try Slowing Down.  So many of our issues, from bloated calendars to deflated resolutions, and just plain stress, may stem from our habit of rushing to the next thing.  Before you finalize goals for this year, I want to encourage you to slow down for a few minutes to take stock. Answer — what did you learn last year? Focus on the bigger truths, life lessons, if you will. The truth is, you are already growing and changing and when you are mindful of where you have been, and what you have learned, this is a great place to start as you consider where you want to go this year.   

This may seem a little unorthodox, but after you have taken stock of the last year, think of ways you could have been more reflective.  For me, I am going to purposely slow down and think more. Warren Buffett, the CEO of the fourth-largest company in the country, isn’t as busy as you are. By his own estimate, he has spent 80 percent of his career reading and thinking. Sounds crazy, right? But it’s true.  Taking time to be more reflective, is never selfish or being lazy, when it means you are becoming a better and more capable person.  

When you give yourself these foundational things, you are free to grow and care for others in better and more meaningful ways. Earlier this week I read an interesting idea from a post. The person was explaining that instead of a specific resolution list, they gave themselves two words for the year.  Two examples might be – love and passion. What would your two words be?

I am convinced 2019 is going to be a great year.  I learned alot from 2018 and I hope to encourage you and many others with what I have learned.  We have much in store here at Centurion’s Watch for this year. We are developing some great things, and we thank you for being on this journey with us.


Your Virtual Life Mentor,



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