Finding the Real Meaning in Christmas

I heard someone say in a conversation, “It’s not about the presents, it’s about therapy from the people around us.” She was referring to visiting with her 82-year-old mom over Christmas and explained that it had been a rough couple months for her mom. She went on to explain that the whole family was coordinating a visit to lift her mom’s spirits and have a lot of quality time to make memories with her.  But the simplicity of that statement, and the honest sentiment of it, had me thinking about the “true” value and meaning of Christmas.

While gifts can be a great way to celebrate, and even help us show we care, they aren’t — and shouldn’t — be the focus of the day.  Because after all of the presents have been unwrapped, we can either be left with the “letdown” of the excitement or realize that there is so much more to it to be celebrated.

I say this because most of us know the “real” meaning of the holiday, but sometimes our actions and our stress — need to be reminded of the truth and be refocused. It’s not how clean our house is or making sure we have everything perfectly planned out.  It’s about something more.

The people you find around your Christmas tree are so much more important than what is under it. This holiday, let’s all take a moment to slow down and appreciate those who are close to us. It’s easy to take for granted the most precious gifts of all that God gave us. Sure family is not without its conflicts but that is what makes it real and shows us what unconditional love can be.

God shows us through the gift of his son that connection matters.  In the Christian faith, Jesus is referred to as Emanuel, which means “God with us.”  It was the importance of this personal connection that should be a similar goal for us this holiday.  Prioritizing this shift of thinking in our mind is the key to changing our attitude and how we approach the day.

Find ways to connect through conversation. Play a fun game that will create some laughs. Take pictures. Let the kids be silly after dinner. Come up with some questions that will stimulate a fun conversation over dinner.  Laughing with your family is so important. These are all opportunities to create connection, which is the most valuable thing we can have with our family.

This Christmas, I want to say how much I appreciate connecting with all of you. I thank you for being a part of the Centurion’s Watch community. When you share our posts and comment, you help to make our community grow! If you missed any of our holiday blog posts this month, check them out! Everything from de-stressing, to holiday recipes and giving back to your community — it’s all there.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Your Virtual Life Mentor,



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