A New Year Trick to Help Clear Your Mind

Confession time. We have yet to get through all the “extra” that accumulates around our house during the holidays. If you have younger kids in your house, chances are you can relate to the added hazards of walking around your home, especially during the holidays. For some reason this year I don’t seem to mind as much, maybe it’s the medication 🙂 or more than likely, we just want to keep the holiday mindset going as long as possible.

The truth is most of us tend to gather some extra clutter around the holidays. I have heard from many of you in previous blogs, that being able to create space and time for yourself to “regroup” and de-clutter can make a big difference as you start a new year. And with the weather being a little less than welcoming outside (we are expecting a lot of snow here in the Midwest this weekend), we could all use a helpful idea for an indoor activity that will help us get in a better state of mind.

Here’s the idea – “Decluttering” may be just the right thing this weekend. Often our physical space is a reflection of what we may feel inside, so when we tackle a few organization or de-clutter projects, we can end up feeling a lot lighter ourselves in the process. I have put together a few practical suggestions to help you get started as you think about how to make your internal space less cluttered and hopefully more peaceful.

Wardrobe Downsizing – Each person in your family can get involved with this one. Have everyone go through each drawer and/or closet space take out anything that they haven’t enjoyed in the last six months. Make a pile of “definitely” not wearing again, “maybe,” and “yes.” Making these piles can help kids and adults who may have a hard time deciding if they really want to let go of something. You can go back and look through the “maybe” pile and make a decision when you are done. If you hate dealing with piles, it also may help to make several rounds through your closet. The more you decide to give away, it’s easier to find even more that you can admit you don’t use. And if you find a local shelter or employment training charity, it is that much sweeter to know you may be helping someone get back on their feet with gently used clothes you no longer enjoy.

Paper Trail Regroup – Paper messes can accumulate from mail, schoolwork, and bills if you don’t have a system. Generally, the majority of what you will find is actually nothing you need to keep. For many people, paper clutter can be the hardest to get on top of. But finding a system for you (that also looks good) can cut down on a lot of stress, but it can be tricky to find the right thing. It’s best to keep new organization where you are already used to stashing things. Something as simple as a binder may help you organize and keep things you may need handy.

Toy Giveaway – This one can be tricky with kids. On the one hand, you want them to be involved with learning how to let go of things they don’t need and even learning the satisfaction of donating them to a charity. On the other hand, it’s hard for kids to let go. You can involve them in as much or as little as you like, but asking them what they don’t use anymore or what their favorites are is an excellent first step. They may surprise you with how willing they are to give a toy or something away if they know another kid may enjoy it more than they do.

Clearing the Pantry – If a wintry weekend has you stuck indoors, cleaning out your pantry of non-perishable food items for donation may be the perfect choice to spend an hour or so. There are always food pantries this time of year looking for cans, boxes, or bags of food to give to those who find themselves facing hard times. The general rule is that items very near to their expiration date are entirely safe, so don’t worry if a canned item has a “best by” date for next month. Food drives can and do still give these items away safely.

I would guess that once you have cleared space in some of these areas, you will find yourself more inspired to take on other areas you have been avoiding. My ideas may not seem like the most exciting things to do over the weekend, but it’s important that we downsize and clear the clutter. It can save us time and help our peace of mind in the process.

Like these ideas? Take a moment to share these decluttering tips with your followers! And check back with us next week to discover a new way to think about the winter blues.

Your Virtual Life Mentor,


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