Don’t Let Stress Consume Your Life

Is stress affecting your life? Well with two major holidays fast approaching, I thought it timely to give you a few tips on how to take control of the stress in your life. It is a fact that stress affects us in many ways. For some it is internal, and for others it projects outwards onto the people around us. Whatever way you manage stress, here are some healthy ways to deal with it without letting it control or consume your life.

  1. Get Your Vitamins: You might be thinking “okay Mom” right now, but eating well is one of the easiest ways to deal with stress—when you are eating a balanced diet, you are giving your body the vitamins it needs as well as the energy you need to get through the day. If you are not sure if you are getting all the vitamins your body needs (most people are not), you should strongly consider adding a multi-vitamin to your diet.
  2. Plan: No escaping the fact that we have the holiday’s right around the corner—and you know that often means stress, even if it is a good stress. You can keep stress (especially the bad stress) to a minimum around the holidays by planning as much as you can ahead of time. The important point is planning not to take on more than you can handle (hard to do, I know). Consider a potluck-style meal instead of cooking everything yourself or hire a caterer if you have the resources. Another suggestion is have your spouse purchase gifts for his or her side of the family this year instead of you.
  3. Exercise: Exercise is a great way to relieve stress. If you find that you are under stress from your job or a specific family situation, regular exercise can help you feel better. As you exercise, your body releases endorphins which actually make you feel better. Whether you take a long walk, go to the gym or take a yoga class—all are great forms of exercise that can help you deal with the stress in your life.
  4. Mental Tip: A great tip that can help you keep your stress levels down is to acknowledge that most things that happen to us are temporary. Take a minute and ask yourself if your “stressful” situation will really matter in a week, month or year from now. Recognize that you cannot do or fix everything so take the pressure off yourself and enjoy the moment at hand. After all, this too shall pass.
  5. Be Proactive: Do not give stress power over your life. Oftentimes when people are in a stressful situation, they will wonder what they did to deserve it, but this thinking can lead to a feeling of helplessness and naturally, leads to stress. Focus on being proactive by doing something to eliminate or minimize the problem.

As much as we would love to have a stress-free life, we should know by now that while we are here on planet earth that is not an option. I encourage you to consider the words of Christ when you encounter stress in your life, “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


  1. Tamera Holtmyer says

    Considering all of the stressful situations I’m dealing with right now, your message has great timing. Thank you.

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