When was the last time you said I love you?

In February, we often celebrate love with pink hearts, dark chocolate, and valentines. The colors and the messaging all point to this four letter word – love, but for many of us, February actually feels more empty than full because we don’t actually use the word to express our true feelings. When was the last time you said, I love you?

Think about it for a moment. We love so many things, but we say “I love you” much less. What are the last five things that you loved?

  •      •  I loved that movie!
  •      •  Ooooh, I just love that jacket.
  •      •  Your baby is wonderful. I love his chubby cheeks!
  •      •  Yeah, I loved that restaurant—let’s go again.
  •      •  LOVE it!

Using the word love for so many different reasons isn’t necessarily wrong, but it can desensitize us to its deeper sense and meaning. When was the last time as a parent you said, I love you to your child? What about to your spouse, your parents or grandparents? Even among your better friends? My father wasn’t the type of person to say “I love you” to his kids. But when he said to me I love you, shortly before he died, it had a huge impact on me. I will never forget that day and where I was when he said it.

The truth is we all have a God given desire to be loved and to love others. We have this desire and capability because we were created in the image of the One who displays love at its very best—complete selflessness. When God created us he did so in the context of love and because He desired to have a relationship with us. There is no other human desire more powerful or more needed then to be loved. Gary Chapman, writing for Focus on the Family once said, “Nothing holds more potential for changing the season of your life and marriage than learning the truth about love.” I would add that this is the same for all of our relationships. Affirm your children, your spouse, your parents, and your friends with consistent expressions of love.  We don’t have to make things complicated when it comes to gifts and surprising those we love.  We just need to use those all-important and very powerful words – “I LOVE YOU!”

God Bless,

Doug Hedrick

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