6 Tips to Help Raise Your Kids Right

Parenting is arguably the most important (and challenging) job you will have, which is why I want to share some tips and techniques with you to ensure your kids are the happiest, and healthiest they can be!

  1. Volunteer: When possible, make time to volunteer at your child’s school. This is a great way for you to see how your child is doing in school. In addition, you will be offering valuable service in helping out the school with activities. Every bit of parental involvement you contribute goes a long way!
  2. Teach Charity: Teach charity even when a child is a toddler. Teach your child the importance of giving to others who may be in need. A child will likely be more receptive to paring down their belongings if they realize that they are going to another child that isn’t as fortunate as them. These lessons will follow them through life.
  3. Adapt Your Parenting: Adapt your parenting style to your child’s age and needs. One form of discipline might be very effective for a two year old, but not for a five year old. One teaching style might work well for your oldest son, but not for your youngest. Adapting your style offers a child the individual and adaptive approach they need to develop in the best way possible.
  4. White Noise: If your child has a hard time settling down for bed, try white noise. You can use a dedicated white noise machine, a radio tuned to static, or even apps from your mp3 player or cell phone to create soothing background noise. Playing a relaxing song or CD on loop can also put your child to sleep.
  5. Teach Politeness: Teach your child how to be polite in social situations as well as at home. Want your child to say “please” and “thank you?” Children learn from the adults around them—that means you! It is so important that you are using these words frequently yourself! Use them in conversations with your spouse, children, or the other people in your life, and your child will follow suit!
  6. Make Memories! It is important to make lasting memories with your children. You want your children to be able to look back at their childhood and have fond memories of it. Making gingerbread men, playing baseball in the backyard, taking a bike ride together or doing art and craft projects together is a great way to build lasting memories.

Raising happy and healthy kids is a tremendous undertaking but one of the most rewards and significant accomplishments one can do in life. Parenting will look different from family to family, and from child to child. What’s key is that you are intentional, that you keep God first, and that you model the behavior you want to see from your kids. If you want to see change, the change has to first begin in YOU!

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